Big 20 #15
September 17th 2022 at 1pm EST
Race Details
How to Join
- There is no official signup. If you join us on https://racetime.gg/ on the day of the race, you’re in.
- To download game resources and get training tips, join the Discord and chat with the community.
- Start practicing! If you’re practicing live on Twitch, use the tag ‘Big20’ so other folks can find you.
- You can track your progress and others by using the community time tracker. To join the community time tracker, find a blank sheet (e.g., named SheetXXX), rename the sheet to your preferred user name, lock it, and start recording your practice times.
- On race day, the marathon will take place on https://racetime.gg/. Make an account before race day so you are prepared! Links to the room will be provided prior to the marathon. First marathon? Visit this page on how to prep.
- Have fun! We’re happy to have you in the community!

Race VOD
Race Docs
Goal List
1. Super Mario Bros. (Beat World 5-4)
Time Start: First input on Title Screen (1 player start). | Time Stop: On grabbing the ax at the end of 5-4. Minus world is not allowed. “Normal Warps” only (e.g., 1-2 warp to 4, 4-2 warp to 5-1) |
2. Ninja Gaiden (Beat Stage 4-4)
Time Start: First input on Title Screen. | Time Stop: On complete fade to black after beating 4-4 |
3. Mega Man (Beat 3 Robot Masters, Any%)
Time Start: Pressing start on title screen. | Time Stop: After grabbing orb on 3rd robot |
4. Darkwing Duck (Beat 4 stages)
Time Start: On stage select screen. | Time Stop: On complete fade to black after beating 4th boss |
5. StarTropics (Beat Chapter 2's Octopus)
Time Start: On Name Registration screen (name already entered). | Time Stop: When the Dolphin head exits the water after defeating the Octopus |
6. Contra (Beat Stage 4, Konami Code Allowed)
Time Start: On Console Reset. | Time Stop: On “Stage 5 Snowfield” screen |
7. Batman: The Video Game (Beat Stage 3)
Time Start: First input on Title Screen. | Time Stop: When screen fades entirely to black |
8. Crystalis (Get the Ball of Fire)
Time Start: On Name Entry Screen (after pressing Start on title screen). | Time Stop: On text box that says “You now have Ball of Fire.” |
9. Super Mario Bros. 2 (Beat Clawgrip, 1 Warp)
Time Start: Character Select screen. | Time Stop: When entering the door after defeating ClawGrip |
10. Blaster Master (Beat Area 3)
Time Start: First input on Title Screen. | Time Stop: On Fade to black after grabbing the boss item |
11. Kid Icarus (Beat stage 3-4 boss, password start)
Time Start: Password select screen (with password entered). | Time Stop: On screen transition after defeating 3-4 boss |
12. Legend of Zelda, The (2nd quest, Get 4 Triforces)
Time Start: On Name registration screen (“Zelda” already entered). | Time Stop: on grabbing the 4th triforce |
13. DuckTales (Any%)
Time Start: On difficulty selection (Easy is suggested). | Time Stop: When touching the treasure chest after the Dracula fight |
14. Battletoads (Beat Surf City, 100%)
Time Start: First input on Title Screen. | Time Stop: On screen transition after beating Surf City |
15. Castlevania (Beat Death, Any%)
Time Start: First input on Title Screen. | Time Stop: When timer reaches 0 after grabbing the orb |
16. Little Samson (Floating Castle)
Time Start: On password select screen (password already entered). | Time Stop: On screen transition exiting “Escape” (starts the final cut scene) |
17. Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers (Any%)
Time Start: Character Select. | Time Stop: Fade to black after Fat Cat fight |
18. Zelda ll: The Adventure of Link (Beat P1 and P2)
Time Start: On name registration screen (name already entered) | Time Stop: On the second crystal after the boss is placed in its headstone (xp will start moving shortly after) |
19. Super Mario Bros. 3 (Beat World 5 & 6, Any%)
Time Start: Input on Title Screen (selecting “1 player”). | Time Stop: On grabbing the wand after world 6 boss |