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Big 20 #20

March 1st, 2025 at 1pm EST

Race Details


Goal List

1. Wrecking Crew (Phases 1-10)
Time Start:
Pressing Start on 1 Player Game
Time Stop:
When the Phase 11 appears on the screen
Beat Phases 1-10. The phases must be done in order. If you game over, you may continue at the same phase by selecting it on the title screen. Skipping phases is not allowed. Time ends after Phase 11 is visible. Using SELECT to exit a phase to go back to the title screen is not allowed.
2. Strider (Any%)
Time Start:
Pressing Start at Title Screen
Time Stop:
Timing ends when the screen fades to black after killing the boss.
All glitches and zips are permitted. Turbo/Autofire and left+right/up+down are banned.
3. Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers 2 (Any%)
Time Start:
Selecting 1 player
Time Stop:
When Stage Clear appears after defeating the final boss
Beat the game. Chip or Dale may be used. 1 player mode only.
4. Super Dodge Ball (100% Easy)
Time Start:
After selecting ‘World Cup Play’
Time Stop:
When the celebration of your victory appears on screen after defeating the Shadow team
100% Easy. Defeat all teams.
5. Super Mario Bros. 2 (Any%)
Time Start:
When the screen turns blue when you press start on the title screen.
Time Stop:
Timing ends when you enter the door after defeating Wart
Any%. The game offers 2 continues. Running out of lives forces you to use a continue. You then start on the -1 level of the world you game overed in. After the 3rd game over, you must start the goal from the beginning of the game.
6. Puzznic (Beat 3-10)
Time Start:
Press Start on the Title Screen
Time Stop:
When ‘Clear’ appears after beating level 3-10
Beat Level 3-10 of Puzznic. You have infinite retries.
7. Ninja Gaiden III: The Ancient Ship of Doom (Any% (J))
Time Start:
Pressing Start on the title screen
Time Stop:
When Ryu appears after defeating the final boss
Any% - J (U release is allowed). Beat the game. Left+Right is not allowed. Turbo is not allowed.
8. Danny Sullivan's Indy Heat (1 loop)
Time Start:
Pressing Start on the player screen
Time Stop:
Crossing the finish line on the final track
Complete 1 loop. Time ends when you lose control on final race (track 9, the oval track that is 12 laps called the SpeedBowl)
9. Gimmick (Any%)
Time Start:
Pressing start on the Title Screen
Time Stop:
On display of the final cutscene
Any%, glitches and zips allowed.
10. Legacy of the Wizard (Defeat Archwinger)
Time Start:
Hitting start on the title screen
Time Stop:
Timing ends when you see the trees after defeating the 3rd boss (archwinger)
Defeat 3 bosses. You can do any of the 3 quadrants to achieve this.
11. Castlevania II: Simon's Quest (Password Start/Beat the Game)
Time Start:
After entering in password
Time Stop:
When Simon appears before Dracula’s grave
Password used to start the game: RIN5 DYF8KK8F YDRTPassword provides: Simon Level =2, Holy Water, 2 Laurels, Red Crystal, Morning Star, Dracula’s Heart, and Dracula’s RibAll glitches/wrong warps allowed.
12. Déjà Vu: A Nightmare Comes True (Any%)
Time Start:
Pressing A on a new file
Time Stop:
When ‘The End’ appears
Glitches are allowed (Note, to be submittable needs to be on console or Mesen).If you make a mistake where you are killed or arrested, you can continue from a previous “safe” point. However, if you are killed/arrested in the same room 3 straight times, it is a FULL game over.
13. Batman: The Video Game (Any%)
Time Start:
Pressing Start on the Title Screen
Time Stop:
On display of the final cutscene
14. Lawn Mower (Any%)
Time Start:
Pressing Start on the Title Screen
Time Stop:
When ‘Level Clear!’ appears after completing lawn 10
Beat the Game
15. Mighty Final Fight (Any%)
Time Start:
On character selection
Time Stop:
When ‘Round 5 Clear’ appears on the screen
Beat the game. Any of the 3 characters can be used.
16. Little Nemo: The Dream Master (Beat the game (E))
Time Start:
Pressing Start on Title Screen
Time Stop:
Display of cutscene after defeating the final boss
Beat the Game - English version. J version is not allowed.Stage Select - only to be used if you game overUp, Select, Left, Right, A, A, B A. "Stage Select" will appear. Press "A" the number of levels to skip, then Start. Example: Get back to world 7 - type in the code, then press A 6 times and then press Start.
17. Gremlins 2: The New Batch (Any%)
Time Start:
Pressing Start on the title screen
Time Stop:
When the cutscene with the Crowd of Gremlins begins
Any% - beat the game
18. Mega Man (All Stages)
Time Start:
Pressing Start on the Title Screen
Time Stop:
After Wily falls out of his ship following his defeat
Glitches and Zips are allowedMega Man US and Rockman J are allowed
19. Dragon Warrior IV (Chapter 4)
Time Start:
After selecting Chapter 4
Time Stop:
When ‘The End of Chapter 4’ appears
Beat Chapter 4. The rom is patched to give a Chapter select after deciding on your text speed. Timing starts on selecting "4". You may use any name or either gender for your character. You may also use an official cartridge that has a save file at the start of chapter 4.
20. Metroid (Any%)
Time Start:
Pressing Start on Title Screen
Time Stop:
On Screen Transition after completing the “Escape” after Mother Brain
Any% - Beat the game. You may used passwords earned through game play. Up+A allowed. Glitches/clips allowed.


  • Finish all 20 goals as quickly as possible.
  • Games must be played in order. Earned passwords can always be used.
  • You must wait at least 30 seconds after completing a game before starting the next.
  • After the 10th game there is a mandatory 3 minute wait before starting the 11th game. You can enter passwords during this wait period.
  • Race will be streamed on Twitch.
  • The race will be timed using
  • The games must be played live. Local recordings are suggested in case of power/internet issues. If you lose power/internet, continue the race.
  • Save states are not allowed during the race. Be sure to disable the use of save states before the race begins. Using one may result in disqualification from the race.
  • Note: Ends on screen transition” refers to the screen fading to black or switching to a different screen. The time stop on these will generally be when the screen transition finishes to black, unless otherwise noted. References to the next screen are just for clarification purposes.

How to Join

  1. There is no official signup. If you join us on on the day of the race, you’re in.
  2. To download game resources and get training tips, join the Discord and chat with the community.
  3. Start practicing! If you’re practicing live on Twitch, use the tag ‘Big20’ so other folks can find you.
  4. You can track your progress and others by using the community time tracker. To join the community time tracker, find a blank sheet (e.g., named SheetXXX), rename the sheet to your preferred user name, lock it, and start recording your practice times.
  5. On race day, the marathon will take place on Make an account before race day so you are prepared! Links to the room will be provided prior to the marathon. First marathon? Visit this page on how to prep.
  6. Have fun! We’re happy to have you in the community!


Big 20 #11stToad224843:23:30
Big 20 #12nddxtr3:26:31
Big 20 #13rdyogidamonk3:30:17
Big 20 #14thbadbrakes3:32:27
Big 20 #15thJorf3:42:15
Big 20 #16thprimal853:45:34
Big 20 #17thfeasel3:50:42
Big 20 #18thdarbian3:51:43
Big 20 #19thkhananaphone3:59:59
Big 20 #110thmithical94:00:26
Big 20 #111thdanzel_glovington4:17:15
Big 20 #112thBreakdown4:25:01
Big 20 #113thKaral_4:32:49
Big 20 #114thnudua4:49:34
Big 20 #115thbboyvenom4:49:51
Big 20 #116thEmptyeye4:49:55
Big 20 #117thaweglib4:50:20
Big 20 #118thCartina4:53:10
Big 20 #119thXarnax425:12:24
Big 20 #120thZyre5:33:58
Big 20 #121stMrPupG5:34:30
Big 20 #122ndTheGloryHog5:47:50
Big 20 #123rdlemonsx6:11:15
Big 20 #124thZodaNOR7:17:57
Big 20 #125thinfinitemystery9:38:16
Big 20 #126thWolfEyezz10:46:51
Big 20 #1DQBigRichieDQ
Big 20 #1DNFBillyBankaiDNF
Big 20 #1DNFcrak_atakDNF
Big 20 #1DNFGame8BitNerdDNF
Big 20 #1DNFjonathanxspidewebiaDNF
Big 20 #1DNFJuppeDNF
Big 20 #1DNFrandom64DNF
Big 20 #1DNFT3tsuyaDNF
Big 20 #1DNFthatrsDNF
Big 20 #1DNFTwoGoodDNF
Big 20 #1DNFzarby89DNF
Big 20 #1DNFZurggriffDNF
Big 20 #21stToad224842:49:14
Big 20 #22ndinfestedriche2:53:57
Big 20 #23rdprimal852:59:17
Big 20 #24thlemonsx2:59:36
Big 20 #25thbadbrakes3:01:26
Big 20 #26thyogidamonk3:01:48
Big 20 #27thmikethev3:01:57
Big 20 #28thkhananaphone3:03:42
Big 20 #29thLackAttack3:07:44
Big 20 #210thNME3:10:28
Big 20 #211thdxtr3:35:22
Big 20 #212thMrPupG3:52:28
Big 20 #213thcochese7883:54:04
Big 20 #214thwhitman_price_3:59:33
Big 20 #215thauthorblues4:08:10
Big 20 #216thCornelu4:10:26
Big 20 #217thSvenge_B4:24:49
Big 20 #218thanthole4:27:40
Big 20 #219thjoniidx4:45:20
Big 20 #220thzookiewookie5:10:53
Big 20 #221stBreakdown5:28:02
Big 20 #222ndCantaloupeme5:43:36
Big 20 #223rdKaral_5:44:45
Big 20 #224thKnighty7:37:44
Big 20 #225thcrak_atak13:57:04
Big 20 #226thextraguy16:04:40
Big 20 #227thinfinitemystery17:34:50
Big 20 #2DNFGame8BitNerdDNF
Big 20 #2DNFJoshButroDNF
Big 20 #2DNFkhanster786DNF
Big 20 #2DNFsimpoldoodDNF
Big 20 #31styogidamonk2:55:19
Big 20 #32ndinfestedriche2:56:39
Big 20 #33rdToad224843:02:09
Big 20 #34thDarkwing_Duck3:12:06
Big 20 #35thWhiteHat943:22:39
Big 20 #36ththemotherbrain863:26:56
Big 20 #37thkhananaphone3:37:26
Big 20 #38thLackAttack3:44:58
Big 20 #39thbadbrakes4:02:59
Big 20 #310thniss34:03:11
Big 20 #311thNME4:12:58
Big 20 #312th_iggy_ls4:17:07
Big 20 #313thschemax4:23:33
Big 20 #314thprisi4:42:29
Big 20 #315thmtthew4:44:28
Big 20 #316thcochese7884:46:04
Big 20 #317thUkionik4:53:54
Big 20 #318thKamehamedoukenn5:07:57
Big 20 #319thTwoGood5:20:52
Big 20 #320thlink_77775:38:07
Big 20 #321stTomstoi5:40:34
Big 20 #322ndbboyvenom6:15:58
Big 20 #323rdsimpoldood6:31:29
Big 20 #324thCornelu6:52:08
Big 20 #325thdib137:16:44
Big 20 #326thOuijawii7:48:25
Big 20 #327thKaral_8:13:57
Big 20 #328thBigZeeff8:23:39
Big 20 #329thKnighty8:30:12
Big 20 #330thThunderMustache12:47:37
Big 20 #331stZurggriff19:22:58
Big 20 #3DNFHorrorFilmKidDNF
Big 20 #3DNFKyhYangDNF
Big 20 #3DNFMistwalker1985DNF
Big 20 #3DNFrandom64DNF
Big 20 #3DNFzarby89DNF
Big 20 #3DNFzookiewookieDNF
Big 20 #41stToad224842:47:14
Big 20 #42ndJaguarKing2:57:40
Big 20 #43rdyogidamonk2:58:20
Big 20 #44thDarkwing_Duck3:08:41
Big 20 #45thkhananaphone3:09:17
Big 20 #46thendyswe3:10:48
Big 20 #47thArcus3:19:36
Big 20 #48thGaradas3:25:37
Big 20 #49thSubStylee223:29:55
Big 20 #410thTarbash3:30:50
Big 20 #411thGameGlitchGuy3:36:07
Big 20 #412ththemotherbrain863:39:14
Big 20 #413thdeceax3:44:30
Big 20 #414thfloatious3:45:54
Big 20 #414thmitch3a3:45:54
Big 20 #416thk0zzx3:52:20
Big 20 #417thmikethev4:00:24
Big 20 #418thMrPupG4:05:04
Big 20 #419thboatless4:21:31
Big 20 #420thniss34:24:47
Big 20 #421stEatitup864:31:01
Big 20 #422ndanthole4:33:01
Big 20 #423rdWhiteHat944:45:34
Big 20 #424thKaral_4:50:12
Big 20 #425thprisi4:50:50
Big 20 #426thSolefad4:56:05
Big 20 #427thwepen5:03:57
Big 20 #428thtool_235:12:30
Big 20 #429thlink_77775:30:34
Big 20 #430thKongcakes5:57:24
Big 20 #431stMrCab5:57:38
Big 20 #432ndBigZeeff6:04:52
Big 20 #433rdcochese7886:13:52
Big 20 #434ththeghostofowlstreet6:45:02
Big 20 #435thbadbrakes7:01:49
Big 20 #436thMCravenator7:07:21
Big 20 #437thFIGBird7:35:44
Big 20 #438thjkoper8:03:02
Big 20 #439ththeseawolf18:46:37
Big 20 #440thdanzel_glovington9:14:06
Big 20 #441stprimal8510:04:57
Big 20 #442ndRantronBomb12:45:08
Big 20 #4DNFeBloodyCandyDNF
Big 20 #4DNFHorrorFilmKidDNF
Big 20 #4DNFinfinitemysteryDNF
Big 20 #4DNFrandom64DNF
Big 20 #4DNFScratchDragonDNF
Big 20 #51styogidamonk2:54:07
Big 20 #52ndToad224843:07:17
Big 20 #53rdJaguarKing3:10:20
Big 20 #54thArcus3:39:44
Big 20 #55thVidtendo3:42:01
Big 20 #56ththemotherbrain863:53:03
Big 20 #57thfloatious3:55:04
Big 20 #58thSubStylee224:10:04
Big 20 #59thJM_NPC4:28:42
Big 20 #510thlink_77774:34:20
Big 20 #511thViruseReturns4:41:01
Big 20 #512thdeceax4:46:22
Big 20 #513thcaptain_duck4:50:44
Big 20 #514thatroz4:51:39
Big 20 #515thEatitup865:01:25
Big 20 #516thZurggriff5:25:31
Big 20 #517thdanzel_glovington6:10:23
Big 20 #518thtool_236:25:45
Big 20 #519thak877:04:59
Big 20 #520thRantronBomb7:22:58
Big 20 #521stscha7:24:35
Big 20 #522nddrsquirrelphd7:32:02
Big 20 #523rdCornelu7:34:01
Big 20 #524thKnighty8:25:16
Big 20 #525thbboyvenom11:10:39
Big 20 #526thmitch3a14:19:27
Big 20 #527thunusualcook15:20:26
Big 20 #528thcrak_atak25:39:27
Big 20 #529thinfinitemystery33:44:44
Big 20 #5DQMCravenatorDQ
Big 20 #5DQMicsonDQ
Big 20 #5DNFantholeDNF
Big 20 #5DNFKingdahlDNF
Big 20 #5DNFKongcakesDNF
Big 20 #5DNFRainingElementalistDNF
Big 20 #61stcoolkid2:44:13
Big 20 #62ndJaguarKing2:56:04
Big 20 #63rdendyswe3:06:18
Big 20 #64thArcus3:09:28
Big 20 #65ththemotherbrain863:24:47
Big 20 #66thViruseReturns3:27:56
Big 20 #67thscha3:32:21
Big 20 #68thfloatious3:34:07
Big 20 #69thKatKunoichi3:36:12
Big 20 #610thprisi3:36:17
Big 20 #611thk0zzx3:38:22
Big 20 #612thtool_233:47:56
Big 20 #613thMrPupG3:49:01
Big 20 #614thDeath_Devil3:49:05
Big 20 #615thVidtendo3:49:27
Big 20 #616thApollo222373:49:51
Big 20 #617thZurggriff3:50:35
Big 20 #618thcatsonurhead4:02:18
Big 20 #619thboatless4:04:28
Big 20 #620thJkL4:05:07
Big 20 #621stkhananaphone4:08:22
Big 20 #622ndLateNightRetro4:15:07
Big 20 #623rdlink_77774:20:17
Big 20 #624thatroz4:24:33
Big 20 #625thFloydasaurus5:07:06
Big 20 #626thbboyvenom5:10:08
Big 20 #627thdeceax6:00:11
Big 20 #628thSomeGirlOnTheInternet6:22:25
Big 20 #629thJulian6:41:30
Big 20 #630thinfinitemystery7:14:13
Big 20 #631stFirebroth7:33:58
Big 20 #632ndKnighty8:57:53
Big 20 #633rdKingdahl13:25:44
Big 20 #6DNFHamburglarXDNF
Big 20 #6DNFMCravenatorDNF
Big 20 #6DNFMeditariDNF
Big 20 #6DNFowlnonymousDNF
Big 20 #6DNFrandom64DNF
Big 20 #6DNFRantronBombDNF
Big 20 #6DNFxkillADAMdeadxDNF
Big 20 #71stprisi3:32:07
Big 20 #72ndArcus3:38:57
Big 20 #73rdJkL3:41:46
Big 20 #74thcatsonurhead3:46:43
Big 20 #75ththe_kov3:50:53
Big 20 #76thyogidamonk3:53:28
Big 20 #77thDarkwing_Duck3:54:23
Big 20 #78thVidtendo3:55:09
Big 20 #79thCLChambers003:58:52
Big 20 #710thkhananaphone4:00:32
Big 20 #711thk0zzx4:12:28
Big 20 #712thdeceax4:14:29
Big 20 #713thRoamusMik4:19:00
Big 20 #714thlink_77774:21:13
Big 20 #715thEatitup864:24:15
Big 20 #716thZurggriff4:29:37
Big 20 #717thtool_234:33:56
Big 20 #718thCypherin4:39:32
Big 20 #719thexvagus4:46:30
Big 20 #720thFirebroth5:04:29
Big 20 #721stIowa_Hawks5:17:25
Big 20 #722ndTomstoi5:19:13
Big 20 #723rdsquibbons5:23:46
Big 20 #724thErictheRedMage5:27:35
Big 20 #725thdrsquirrelphd5:30:00
Big 20 #726thHEYBILLYMAYSHERE5:50:24
Big 20 #727thxJohnWaynex5:51:42
Big 20 #728thKasekki6:33:37
Big 20 #729thMegatronECS9:00:49
Big 20 #730thworstliarever9:05:10
Big 20 #731stMorganiteBloom9:47:26
Big 20 #7DNFGliitchlessDNF
Big 20 #7DNFGymTimeJonDNF
Big 20 #7DNFinfinitemysteryDNF
Big 20 #7DNFRainingElementalistDNF
Big 20 #7DNFrandom64DNF
Big 20 #7DNFRantronBombDNF
Big 20 #81stthe_kov2:50:31
Big 20 #82ndk0zzx2:55:19
Big 20 #83rdkhananaphone2:57:17
Big 20 #84thskateman2223:00:33
Big 20 #85thArcus3:01:38
Big 20 #86thcatsonurhead3:02:26
Big 20 #87thdeceax3:14:11
Big 20 #88thMrPupG3:16:13
Big 20 #89thyogidamonk3:18:13
Big 20 #810ththemotherbrain863:23:33
Big 20 #811thbrotherKyle3:24:11
Big 20 #812thlink_77773:26:30
Big 20 #813thANGEL_UNDEAD3:30:11
Big 20 #814thKLM11873:39:45
Big 20 #815thVidtendo3:46:58
Big 20 #816thsmartalec243:49:00
Big 20 #817thtool_233:50:57
Big 20 #818thTheAndySocialNetwork3:52:37
Big 20 #819thMistwalker19853:55:22
Big 20 #820thFirebroth3:59:01
Big 20 #821stPlanetRewindGaming4:10:32
Big 20 #822ndMegatronECS4:16:27
Big 20 #823rdKoachKrab1274:16:27
Big 20 #824thEatitup864:28:34
Big 20 #825thHEYBILLYMAYSHERE4:44:48
Big 20 #826thShuriBear4:53:27
Big 20 #827thspontanious6:12:39
Big 20 #828thSubcogitate6:30:54
Big 20 #829thRantronBomb12:02:39
Big 20 #8DNFCypherinDNF
Big 20 #8DNFdanielmauritzDNF
Big 20 #8DNFfloatiousDNF
Big 20 #8DNFinfinitemysteryDNF
Big 20 #8DNFJkLDNF
Big 20 #8DNFkamphuna8DNF
Big 20 #8DNFworstliareverDNF
Big 20 #91stprisi3:02:59
Big 20 #92ndyogidamonk3:03:12
Big 20 #93rdOverswarm3:16:11
Big 20 #94thskateman2223:17:19
Big 20 #95thcatsonurhead3:22:46
Big 20 #96thkhananaphone3:24:31
Big 20 #97thWoopVonWoop3:25:14
Big 20 #98thdeceax3:26:43
Big 20 #99thPikapikapikachuuuu3:29:02
Big 20 #910thDarkwing_Duck3:29:12
Big 20 #911thjsr_3:30:24
Big 20 #912thVidtendo3:35:36
Big 20 #913thk0zzx3:44:50
Big 20 #914thMazimov3:56:52
Big 20 #915thMegatronECS3:57:33
Big 20 #916thArcus3:59:16
Big 20 #917theightbitsofjoy4:00:22
Big 20 #918thmiketheswan4:01:11
Big 20 #919thsmartalec244:01:29
Big 20 #920thSubcogitate4:03:06
Big 20 #921stst4nzzz4:05:01
Big 20 #922ndReidood4:09:49
Big 20 #923rdDRock913844:18:33
Big 20 #924thTheAndySocialNetwork4:19:43
Big 20 #925thKLM11874:33:04
Big 20 #926thFirebroth4:33:20
Big 20 #927thRainingElementalist4:47:58
Big 20 #928thEatitup865:05:07
Big 20 #929thMagicK5:41:24
Big 20 #930thbboyvenom16:52:02
Big 20 #931stinfinitemystery33:52:43
Big 20 #9DNFDrumboardistDNF
Big 20 #9DNFFedePG52DNF
Big 20 #9DNFMrPupGDNF
Big 20 #9DNFrandom64DNF
Big 20 #9DNFSchmidttyGamesDNF
Big 20 #9DNFtherandomfactorDNF
Big 20 #101styogidamonk3:13:47
Big 20 #102ndendyswe3:28:18
Big 20 #103rdPikapikapikachuuuu3:37:06
Big 20 #104thArcus3:48:24
Big 20 #105thsquerc3:52:37
Big 20 #106thjay_cee3:59:47
Big 20 #107thKLM11874:13:43
Big 20 #108thMrPupG4:19:59
Big 20 #109thVidtendo4:23:22
Big 20 #1010thHEYBILLYMAYSHERE4:23:38
Big 20 #1011thk0zzx4:32:03
Big 20 #1012thsmartalec244:34:56
Big 20 #1013thst4nzzz4:40:30
Big 20 #1014thMrCab4:44:35
Big 20 #1015thdeceax4:51:18
Big 20 #1016thmiketheswan4:52:09
Big 20 #1017thtool_234:57:20
Big 20 #1018thANGEL_UNDEAD4:58:02
Big 20 #1019thReidood4:58:38
Big 20 #1020thlink_77775:09:59
Big 20 #1021stMegatronECS5:18:59
Big 20 #1022ndcochese7885:33:51
Big 20 #1023rdMagicK5:39:32
Big 20 #1024thCaptainGreen75:47:52
Big 20 #1025thDrumboardist5:59:51
Big 20 #1026thTootoo6:04:54
Big 20 #1027thSchmidttyGames6:14:04
Big 20 #1028thFirebroth8:24:52
Big 20 #1029thtHiAgOcH8:47:36
Big 20 #1030thsotenga9:47:05
Big 20 #1031stspontanious18:25:28
Big 20 #1032ndsathdresh21:43:32
Big 20 #1033rdinfinitemystery29:32:39
Big 20 #10DNFOliKadDNF
Big 20 #10DNFotarU1921DNF
Big 20 #10DNFWaiter1602DNF
Big 20 #10DNFworstliareverDNF
Big 20 #10DNFzeugman_DNF
Big 20 #111stprisi3:40:07
Big 20 #112ndPikapikapikachuuuu3:43:15
Big 20 #113rdskateman2223:52:32
Big 20 #114thsquerc3:57:13
Big 20 #115thTarbash4:20:28
Big 20 #116thTwoCplus4:27:11
Big 20 #117thzeugman_4:33:38
Big 20 #118thKoolDoob4:46:32
Big 20 #119thVidtendo4:48:43
Big 20 #1110thsmartalec244:53:32
Big 20 #1111thRumbleminze5:10:27
Big 20 #1112thtool_235:12:03
Big 20 #1113thManiacal5:14:33
Big 20 #1114thMegatronECS5:42:32
Big 20 #1115thFirebroth6:31:21
Big 20 #11DNFDragonstrike1988DNF
Big 20 #11DNFinfinitemysteryDNF
Big 20 #121stOverswarm3:30:57
Big 20 #122ndPikapikapikachuuuu3:33:45
Big 20 #123rdsquerc3:36:35
Big 20 #124thsmartalec243:55:26
Big 20 #125thFirebroth4:03:41
Big 20 #126thTwoCplus4:08:55
Big 20 #127thVidtendo4:16:09
Big 20 #128thk0zzx4:17:02
Big 20 #129thMrPupG4:20:10
Big 20 #1210thHEYBILLYMAYSHERE4:25:37
Big 20 #1211thlordoflinal4:30:44
Big 20 #1212thretroTrev4:30:50
Big 20 #1213thKoolDoob4:42:01
Big 20 #1214thANGEL_UNDEAD4:51:39
Big 20 #1215thjanglestorm4:52:52
Big 20 #1216thdeceax4:53:03
Big 20 #1217thMegatronECS5:04:35
Big 20 #1218thtool_235:25:58
Big 20 #1219thCaptainGreen75:55:36
Big 20 #1220thEatitup865:59:00
Big 20 #1221stspontanious6:06:14
Big 20 #1222ndlink_77776:33:47
Big 20 #1223rdVriaeliss12:30:34
Big 20 #12DNFinfinitemysteryDNF
Big 20 #131styogidamonk3:07:45
Big 20 #132ndOverswarm3:15:47
Big 20 #133rdPikapikapikachuuuu3:16:55
Big 20 #134thcoolkid3:17:59
Big 20 #135thprisi3:19:26
Big 20 #136thendyswe3:22:02
Big 20 #137thArcus3:23:08
Big 20 #138thOldSchool_Richard3:23:42
Big 20 #139thTheMexicanRunner3:27:43
Big 20 #1310thjsr_3:29:55
Big 20 #1311thIceblue3:32:40
Big 20 #1312thsquerc3:34:25
Big 20 #1313thFirebroth3:35:20
Big 20 #1314thskateman2223:35:59
Big 20 #1315thLackAttack3:36:00
Big 20 #1316thTheAndySocialNetwork3:38:37
Big 20 #1317thxChristine3:39:36
Big 20 #1318thmiketheswan3:40:13
Big 20 #1319thretroTrev3:42:44
Big 20 #1320thk0zzx3:43:19
Big 20 #1321stdjeez3:44:20
Big 20 #1322ndarnpoly3:44:43
Big 20 #1323rdCHX3:44:56
Big 20 #1324thMrCab3:45:52
Big 20 #1325thsmartalec243:48:35
Big 20 #1326thsbdwolf3:50:06
Big 20 #1327thlordoflinal3:52:53
Big 20 #1328thReidood3:53:10
Big 20 #1329thbrotherKyle3:55:14
Big 20 #1330thKatKunoichi3:57:28
Big 20 #1331stEmptyeye4:00:15
Big 20 #1332ndGnarBlast4:00:45
Big 20 #1333rdHEYBILLYMAYSHERE4:02:39
Big 20 #1334thMagicK4:06:22
Big 20 #1335thjuegariel4:08:16
Big 20 #1336thtecate4:09:57
Big 20 #1337thSkunky484:13:30
Big 20 #1338thXarnax424:16:47
Big 20 #1339thJonnyLink4:19:15
Big 20 #1340thtool_234:19:48
Big 20 #1341stRumbleminze4:19:49
Big 20 #1342ndkevincabarello4:21:27
Big 20 #1343rdPerfect_Fin4:22:43
Big 20 #1344thredbirdgrad4:23:31
Big 20 #1345thSaberaMesia4:23:49
Big 20 #1346thMrPupG4:27:16
Big 20 #1347thHero_824:27:18
Big 20 #1348thdd_g4:28:38
Big 20 #1349thFeRReTDiPiTY4:31:59
Big 20 #1350thOopla4:32:49
Big 20 #1351stCynanMachae4:37:57
Big 20 #1352ndCaptCaveman9104:38:35
Big 20 #1353rdlink_77774:38:58
Big 20 #1354thCidermonkee4:45:55
Big 20 #1355thBenshowSly4:50:48
Big 20 #1356thBassguy44:50:49
Big 20 #1357thAvodroc424:51:18
Big 20 #1358thTootoo4:54:10
Big 20 #1359thHyo244:57:37
Big 20 #1360thfcoughlin5:00:47
Big 20 #1361stnef_nos5:02:22
Big 20 #1362ndspontanious5:05:47
Big 20 #1363rdAmune1385:06:21
Big 20 #1364thjoeymittens5:08:11
Big 20 #1365thCantaloupeme5:15:50
Big 20 #1366th2snek5:21:48
Big 20 #1367thMoo_Moony5:27:44
Big 20 #1368thIssander5:29:57
Big 20 #1369thPackie5:37:31
Big 20 #1370theppy355:39:02
Big 20 #1371stVidtendo5:47:46
Big 20 #1372thFarCraftQC5:48:22
Big 20 #1373rdCypherin5:53:19
Big 20 #1374thsathdresh6:09:35
Big 20 #1375thlifereboot6:13:06
Big 20 #1376thqrikko6:19:50
Big 20 #1377thKyleberry6:25:21
Big 20 #1378throjo7:23:43
Big 20 #1379thMegatronECS7:55:54
Big 20 #1380thSchmidttyGames8:31:39
Big 20 #1381stkamphuna88:56:17
Big 20 #1382ndschrammbles11:52:07
Big 20 #1383rdRainingElementalist13:02:45
Big 20 #1384thinfinitemystery21:30:39
Big 20 #13DQbigzizioDQ
Big 20 #13DQmipDQ
Big 20 #13DQworstliareverDQ
Big 20 #13DNFAbsoluteKatyDNF
Big 20 #13DNFBMac_Attack_64DNF
Big 20 #13DNFdarthdreadzDNF
Big 20 #13DNFFedePG52DNF
Big 20 #13DNFKoolDoobDNF
Big 20 #13DNFmadbomberxxDNF
Big 20 #13DNFMistwalker1985DNF
Big 20 #13DNFParatroopaDNF
Big 20 #13DNFshannaberryblastDNF
Big 20 #13DNFSuperSonic71087DNF
Big 20 #13DNFtwitchnameDNF
Big 20 #13DNFVriaelissDNF
Big 20 #13DNFWaiter1602DNF
Big 20 #13DNFzeugman_DNF
Big 20 #141stsquerc3:22:35
Big 20 #142ndprisi3:28:52
Big 20 #143rdsmartalec243:44:31
Big 20 #144thscha3:44:59
Big 20 #145thMoliman3:49:23
Big 20 #146thOopla3:49:38
Big 20 #147thFeRReTDiPiTY3:53:22
Big 20 #148thFirebroth3:55:38
Big 20 #149thMrPupG3:58:34
Big 20 #1410thGame_Overture4:03:21
Big 20 #1411thReidood4:07:08
Big 20 #1412thSchmidttyGames4:17:36
Big 20 #1413thGnarBlast4:17:46
Big 20 #1414thbrotherKyle4:19:55
Big 20 #1415thCynanMachae4:21:47
Big 20 #1416thMegatronECS4:28:42
Big 20 #1417thtool_234:37:16
Big 20 #1418thKoolDoob5:11:19
Big 20 #1419ththorofkenya5:15:10
Big 20 #1420thkreyzmckormik5:22:06
Big 20 #1421stMixMastaPJ5:59:52
Big 20 #1422ndlink_77776:04:40
Big 20 #1423rdbedwablackburn8:15:59
Big 20 #1424thinfinitemystery21:20:14
Big 20 #1425thFedePG5224:10:51
Big 20 #14DNFAmune138DNF
Big 20 #14DNFbruceiamDNF
Big 20 #14DNFJkLDNF
Big 20 #14DNFmipDNF
Big 20 #14DNFRainingElementalistDNF
Big 20 #14DNFrandom64DNF
Big 20 #14DNFthemotherbrain86DNF
Big 20 #14DNFTygorDNF
Big 20 #151stPikapikapikachuuuu3:12:57
Big 20 #152ndOverswarm3:15:25
Big 20 #153rdLackAttack3:15:38
Big 20 #154thjay_cee3:19:52
Big 20 #155thIceblue3:21:14
Big 20 #156thst4nzzz3:22:12
Big 20 #157thprisi3:25:27
Big 20 #158thOopla3:27:05
Big 20 #159thAmad3:27:43
Big 20 #1510thGrayskull833:31:52
Big 20 #1511thdjeez3:32:11
Big 20 #1512thFirebroth3:34:37
Big 20 #1513thArcus3:35:26
Big 20 #1514thretroTrev3:39:57
Big 20 #1515thTheMexicanRunner3:44:29
Big 20 #1516thEmptyeye3:45:22
Big 20 #1517thfloatious3:46:08
Big 20 #1518thevilelfo3:47:01
Big 20 #1519thTheAndySocialNetwork3:48:09
Big 20 #1520thFeRReTDiPiTY3:48:15
Big 20 #1521stSchaaa3:50:45
Big 20 #1522ndcytown3:51:40
Big 20 #1523rddeceax3:53:34
Big 20 #1524thxChristine3:57:35
Big 20 #1525thsmartalec243:58:55
Big 20 #1526thCynanMachae3:59:03
Big 20 #1527thPerfect_Fin3:59:35
Big 20 #1528thReidood4:00:26
Big 20 #1529thDeath_Devil4:01:08
Big 20 #1530thMrPupG4:03:07
Big 20 #1531stMegatronECS4:04:35
Big 20 #1532ndBlazenBezza4:07:39
Big 20 #1533rddnk_cafe4:07:46
Big 20 #1534thDarthClops4:07:49
Big 20 #1535thlink_77774:10:20
Big 20 #1536thPeaJae4:13:40
Big 20 #1537thxJRigsx4:14:05
Big 20 #1538thScottyJ474:14:48
Big 20 #1539thGame_Overture4:16:03
Big 20 #1540thsquabbler4:16:58
Big 20 #1541stlevelengine4:17:23
Big 20 #1542ndKaadzik4:17:24
Big 20 #1543rdNLeseul4:19:05
Big 20 #1544thJonnyLink4:21:25
Big 20 #1545thAmune1384:22:19
Big 20 #1546thCaptCaveman9104:23:42
Big 20 #1547thbrightshadow4:25:39
Big 20 #1548thWhiteMonster4:26:51
Big 20 #1549thJosephHTobinJr4:31:10
Big 20 #1550thstewy56324:33:48
Big 20 #1551stPatton4:37:18
Big 20 #1552ndstalwartturtle4:38:29
Big 20 #1553rdsascha-gaming4:43:19
Big 20 #1554thMrGoat4:45:10
Big 20 #1555thhomerjsmash4:47:38
Big 20 #1556thpitpo4:49:45
Big 20 #1557thsubtlewookie4:51:27
Big 20 #1558thZeeGee4:58:08
Big 20 #1559thtool_234:59:47
Big 20 #1560thjodosutari5:05:12
Big 20 #1561stJackPro5:08:45
Big 20 #1562ndTootoo5:10:48
Big 20 #1563rdPhilsBasement5:13:56
Big 20 #1564thtecolote12805:14:20
Big 20 #1565thNESAtlas5:15:12
Big 20 #1566thWunUnknownPlayer5:15:19
Big 20 #1567thpolsvoice5:26:24
Big 20 #1568thlifereboot5:28:09
Big 20 #1569thspontanious5:34:30
Big 20 #1570thXarnax425:41:45
Big 20 #1571stPile5:47:41
Big 20 #1572ndRetroJayEsq5:50:04
Big 20 #1573rdSleepyTimeBeer5:54:27
Big 20 #1574thkryptixx5:55:18
Big 20 #1575ththorofkenya6:11:27
Big 20 #1576thTypicalFantasyX6:16:01
Big 20 #1577thTygor6:26:23
Big 20 #1578thThumbBros6:34:07
Big 20 #1579thtHiAgOcH6:34:48
Big 20 #1580thCidermonkee6:38:41
Big 20 #1581stinfinitemystery6:44:55
Big 20 #1582ndjkoper7:20:10
Big 20 #1583rdjoeymittens7:24:50
Big 20 #1584thwag7:33:16
Big 20 #1585thMappyman9:12:59
Big 20 #1586thMightySteiny9:20:21
Big 20 #1587th1001gameslive13:15:25
Big 20 #1588thcactus_frank14:56:46
Big 20 #1589thFedePG5224:34:32
Big 20 #1590ththenesmaster52:12:54
Big 20 #15DNFSkandranenDNF
Big 20 #15DNFArcadeRiot91DNF
Big 20 #15DNFbruceiamDNF
Big 20 #15DNFCaptainGreen7DNF
Big 20 #15DNFCrebleStarDNF
Big 20 #15DNFdfx9DNF
Big 20 #15DNFKoolDoobDNF
Big 20 #15DNFMagicKDNF
Big 20 #15DNFMrMimixerDNF
Big 20 #15DNFRainingElementalistDNF
Big 20 #15DNFrandom64DNF
Big 20 #15DNFsongbirderDNF
Big 20 #161stOverswarm2:50:07
Big 20 #162ndLackAttack3:00:01
Big 20 #163rdNESCardinality3:04:24
Big 20 #164thcytown3:11:26
Big 20 #165thFirebroth3:14:39
Big 20 #166thArcus3:14:45
Big 20 #167thbrightshadow3:18:51
Big 20 #168thFeRReTDiPiTY3:21:27
Big 20 #169thGrayskull833:21:32
Big 20 #1610thPackie3:22:49
Big 20 #1611thBluntBunny3:24:15
Big 20 #1612thEmptyeye3:30:33
Big 20 #1613thGnarBlast3:36:15
Big 20 #1614thxChristine3:37:14
Big 20 #1615thbeeteas3:37:32
Big 20 #1616thMrPupG3:38:05
Big 20 #1617thWorldWideNooKling3:39:25
Big 20 #1618throjo3:39:35
Big 20 #1619thcoconutED3:44:51
Big 20 #1620thAsmadiGames3:53:07
Big 20 #1621stjdsilva3:56:11
Big 20 #1622ndRyanVideoGamer4:02:39
Big 20 #1623rdShinDigPig4:04:16
Big 20 #1624thlink_77774:08:36
Big 20 #1625theinderspel4:09:23
Big 20 #1626thNESAtlas4:11:53
Big 20 #1627ththorofkenya4:20:05
Big 20 #1628thlevelengine4:20:18
Big 20 #1629thAmune1384:41:50
Big 20 #1630thtecolote12804:49:10
Big 20 #1631stXarnax424:58:04
Big 20 #1632ndGetimOliver4:58:40
Big 20 #1633rdsascha-gaming5:01:14
Big 20 #1634thThumbBros5:04:03
Big 20 #1635thHero_825:10:28
Big 20 #1636thBuhender5:19:13
Big 20 #1637thColor_Theory5:19:35
Big 20 #1638thspontanious6:08:32
Big 20 #1639thScottyK416:52:42
Big 20 #1641stFedePG5223:57:18
Big 20 #1642ndbrotherKyle24:55:11
Big 20 #16DNFinfinitemysteryDNF
Big 20 #16DNFMcDoodle209DNF
Big 20 #16DNFrandom64DNF
Big 20 #16DQtool_23DQ
Big 20 #171stLackAttack3:09:03
Big 20 #172ndDarko3:09:14
Big 20 #173rdprisi3:09:58
Big 20 #174thOverswarm3:10:52
Big 20 #175thsbdwolf3:15:45
Big 20 #176thIceblue3:18:52
Big 20 #177thjsr_3:19:52
Big 20 #178thPikapikapikachuuuu3:22:59
Big 20 #179thdjeez3:25:45
Big 20 #1710thPeaJae3:25:50
Big 20 #1711thGrayskull833:26:58
Big 20 #1712thTheMexicanRunner3:32:32
Big 20 #1713thcytown3:33:05
Big 20 #1714thArcus3:34:31
Big 20 #1715thRayeoTNJ3:35:09
Big 20 #1716thPackie3:36:57
Big 20 #1717thst4nzzz3:38:36
Big 20 #1718thFirebroth3:39:00
Big 20 #1719thTheAndySocialNetwork3:39:24
Big 20 #1720thxChristine3:49:05
Big 20 #1721stTuranin3:49:28
Big 20 #1722ndJosephHTobinJr3:50:41
Big 20 #1723rdFulgor_r3:51:46
Big 20 #1724thjodosutari3:55:26
Big 20 #1725thCynanMachae3:55:27
Big 20 #1726thlordoflinal3:56:11
Big 20 #1727thbrightshadow3:57:23
Big 20 #1728thNotTheGoats4:02:13
Big 20 #1729thBluntBunny4:09:21
Big 20 #1730thHero_824:10:20
Big 20 #1731stDemian_Neville4:10:27
Big 20 #1732ndReeve424:12:22
Big 20 #1733rdDoctor Blue4:13:11
Big 20 #1734thZeeGee4:14:21
Big 20 #1735thCombustibleDan4:14:30
Big 20 #1736thJonnyLink4:14:52
Big 20 #1737thDerekMacIntyre4:20:08
Big 20 #1738thlevelengine4:21:14
Big 20 #1739thcoconutED4:22:10
Big 20 #1740thoneup4:24:51
Big 20 #1741stReidood4:26:59
Big 20 #1742ndThumbBros4:27:40
Big 20 #1743rdCidermonkee4:35:30
Big 20 #1744thtecolote12804:37:53
Big 20 #1745thAmune1384:53:20
Big 20 #1746thGoldenOgreGames4:55:49
Big 20 #1747ththorofkenya5:01:46
Big 20 #1748thhomerjsmash5:03:18
Big 20 #1749thSCARpupGaming5:07:06
Big 20 #1750tharcticayeka5:07:08
Big 20 #1751stNeoScyther5:08:07
Big 20 #1752nddrfurious5:14:30
Big 20 #1753rdJambon_Rodriguez5:15:42
Big 20 #1754thBuhender5:16:40
Big 20 #1755thParatroopa5:26:43
Big 20 #1756thCantaloupeme5:31:09
Big 20 #1757thEntroper5:32:44
Big 20 #1758thMcDoodle2095:33:56
Big 20 #1759thShinDigPig5:40:11
Big 20 #1760thWorldWideNooKling5:52:12
Big 20 #1761sttHiAgOcH5:57:46
Big 20 #1762ndjoeymittens6:20:28
Big 20 #1763rdSunWuFarmer6:21:35
Big 20 #1764thsascha-gaming6:30:03
Big 20 #1765ththeamericandweem6:30:53
Big 20 #1766thbeeteas6:34:13
Big 20 #1767thsongbirder6:58:31
Big 20 #1768thspontanious7:07:05
Big 20 #1769thPrismaticCobras7:12:13
Big 20 #1770thEndy_Endy7:56:45
Big 20 #1771stinfinitemystery10:56:19
Big 20 #1772ndrandom6411:50:37
Big 20 #1773rdFedePG5217:16:46
Big 20 #17DNFFlaoseDNF
Big 20 #17DNFGiantsEsportsDNF
Big 20 #17DNFliferebootDNF
Big 20 #17DNFMacariuswrenchDNF
Big 20 #17DNFOoplaDNF
Big 20 #17DNFRetroJayEsqDNF
Big 20 #17DNFSkandranenDNF
Big 20 #17DNFYmustUhateMEDNF
Big 20 #17DNFzendoikabanDNF
Big 20 #181stprisi2:39:57
Big 20 #182ndPikapikapikachuuuu2:47:01
Big 20 #183rdOverswarm2:50:55
Big 20 #184thNESCardinality2:58:15
Big 20 #185thkarterfreak3:02:42
Big 20 #186thGrayskull833:06:10
Big 20 #187thFirebroth3:08:48
Big 20 #188thletcreate3:08:53
Big 20 #189thReeve423:09:18
Big 20 #1810thoneup3:09:41
Big 20 #1811thArcus3:12:29
Big 20 #1812thbrightshadow3:15:24
Big 20 #1813thLynnCarius3:16:18
Big 20 #1814thGame_Overture3:16:58
Big 20 #1815thChillRuns3:17:31
Big 20 #1816thPackie3:17:56
Big 20 #1817thStJoe3:20:29
Big 20 #1818thcytown3:21:01
Big 20 #1819thzendoikaban3:21:12
Big 20 #1820thDemian_Neville3:21:16
Big 20 #1821stlordoflinal3:21:26
Big 20 #1822ndMoliman3:22:41
Big 20 #1823rdxChristine3:22:50
Big 20 #1824thBuhender3:29:01
Big 20 #1825that_c3:29:26
Big 20 #1826thANGEL_UNDEAD3:30:05
Big 20 #1827thLeKimFo3:31:18
Big 20 #1828thTuranin3:31:37
Big 20 #1829thcoconutED3:31:57
Big 20 #1830thBogledowdee3:34:51
Big 20 #1831stHero_823:38:53
Big 20 #1832ndMcDoodle2093:41:28
Big 20 #1833rdAmad3:41:47
Big 20 #1834thlevelengine3:44:38
Big 20 #1835thMagicK3:46:33
Big 20 #1836thJambon_Rodriguez3:46:51
Big 20 #1837thtecolote12803:49:30
Big 20 #1838thCynanMachae3:49:34
Big 20 #1839thSCARpupGaming3:51:07
Big 20 #1840thNLeseul3:53:38
Big 20 #1841stOMEGACOMA3:54:28
Big 20 #1842ndMacariuswrench3:56:54
Big 20 #1843rdShinDigPig4:02:31
Big 20 #1844thDevilmike6664:03:40
Big 20 #1845thGoldenOgreGames4:04:52
Big 20 #1846thtreyvz4:09:20
Big 20 #1847thBlazenBezza4:27:01
Big 20 #1848thSunWuFarmer4:29:50
Big 20 #1849thZeeGee4:31:09
Big 20 #1850thlink_77774:38:52
Big 20 #1851stMsGroke4:46:12
Big 20 #1852ndThumbBros4:46:56
Big 20 #1853rdtheamericandweem5:36:03
Big 20 #1854thtool_235:54:02
Big 20 #1855thMappyman6:18:31
Big 20 #1856thspontanious7:10:02
Big 20 #1857thJeevan8:45:27
Big 20 #1858thSalmonBuffalo13:09:47
Big 20 #1859thFedePG5214:35:11
Big 20 #1860thbrotherKyle23:56:18
Big 20 #1861stXarnax4228:34:04
Big 20 #18DNFinfinitemysteryDNF
Big 20 #18DNFrandom64DNF
Big 20 #18DNFSkandranenDNF
Big 20 #18DNFsongbirderDNF
Big 20 #191stPikapikapikachuuuu3:05:38
Big 20 #192ndPeaJae3:10:45
Big 20 #193rdReeve423:16:50
Big 20 #194thNESCardinality3:21:52
Big 20 #195thFirebroth3:22:16
Big 20 #196that_c3:25:31
Big 20 #197thGrayskull833:26:08
Big 20 #198thBluntBunny3:26:31
Big 20 #199thDarkwing_Duck3:26:54
Big 20 #1910thsmartalec243:31:42
Big 20 #1911thPackie3:35:54
Big 20 #1912thlordoflinal3:44:55
Big 20 #1913thzerocounts3:48:38
Big 20 #1914thcytown3:55:55
Big 20 #1914thBuhender4:03:30
Big 20 #1916thcoconutED4:04:04
Big 20 #1917thhomerjsmash4:12:18
Big 20 #1918thjimjamboory4:15:16
Big 20 #1919thOMEGACOMA4:15:35
Big 20 #1920thJambon_Rodriguez4:17:50
Big 20 #1921stAmune1384:18:31
Big 20 #1922ndGoldenOgreGames4:19:56
Big 20 #1923rdzapplex4:25:18
Big 20 #1924thShinDigPig4:30:13
Big 20 #1925thDevilmike6664:30:36
Big 20 #1926thlink_77774:33:00
Big 20 #1927thmitch3a4:48:19
Big 20 #1928thtecolote12804:59:08
Big 20 #1929thmittensmacks5:11:32
Big 20 #1930thVespervidya5:32:37
Big 20 #1931sticfanil5:34:30
Big 20 #1932ndjawsomesauce5:39:25
Big 20 #1933rdHero_825:47:21
Big 20 #1934thquinn_patrick6:50:28
Big 20 #1935thyutili7:15:59
Big 20 #1936thMappyman8:27:24
Big 20 #1937thveston224:47:10
Big 20 #1938thFedePG5228:37:04
Big 20 #1939thJackPro29:25:13
Big 20 #1940thXarnax4263:39:34

Big 20 #19: Race VOD